Members Portal
Additional points can be earned by participating in Community Service, Social, Public Relations, Philanthropy, and DEI Events. Specific forms and links can be found on the pages linked below.
Meeting points can be earned by attending general or special meetings.
Total points are the SUM of points received in all categories. Therefore, a minimum of 12 general points is required to be honorable and a minimum of 18 general points is required to be distinguished.
Additional links and resources can be found below.
Public Relations
Fill out these forms before Feb 9th!
Meeting & Event FAQs
We do have a mandatory point category for meetings. However, we do excuse members with legitimate reasons (class, lab, etc.), just message our Vice President, Katelyn Yu, on Slack 24 hours before each meeting to receive a missed meeting form for 0.5 meeting points! After each meeting, we post all of our slides onto the website in the Members Portal page. You will be able to check all of our upcoming events and still become an active, honorable, or distinguished member. Additionally, special meetings are held on alternative days and flex points can count as a meeting point.
After each meeting, we post all of our slides onto the website in the Members Portal. However, we are unable to record and post our general meetings or special meetings.
Please contact the officer in charge ASAP. Depending on the event and the amount of time prior to canceling, points may be deducted.
Points will be updated no later than a week after an event. If you are missing points, please contact the officer in charge of the event.